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Carmo & Carmelitas - the mystery of the narrow house and the gorgeous blue tile facade

Carmo & Carmelitas Churches are two stunning landmarks in Porto that are a must-visit for anyone exploring the city.

Carmo Church boasts a striking Baroque façade and intricate interior carvings, while Carmelitas Church is known for its gorgeous blue-and-white tilework and Rococo-style altar. Connected by a very narrow house, these two churches offer a glimpse into the city's rich history and religious significance.

The vast majority of tourists (and locals, if we are being totally honest) who pass by this facade (or these facades) do not realize, at first glance, that they are actually in front of two churches and that between them there is “the hidden house”. Although narrow, it has depth and some floors and can already be visited in Porto, after 250 years closed to the public. A small amount is paid to visit the house and it may be worth it, due to the unique characteristics of the house.

As far as the two churches are concerned, in our opinion the beauty is right outside. It is possible to visit the interior, however we suggest that you dedicate much more time to appreciate the elongated and magnificent side façade composed of the blue tiles of the church of Carmo.

So go ahead and make all your Instagram followers jealous of your epic travel adventures 😉

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the opening hours for Carmo & Carmelitas Churches?

The churches are open to visitors every day from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Keep in mind that the churches may be closed for special events or holidays, so it's always a good idea to check ahead of time.

How much does it cost to visit the churches?
What's the best time to visit?
What are some must-do activities at Carmo & Carmelitas Churches?
Are there any dress codes or rules to follow inside the churches?
How long does it take to visit both churches?

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